there are now 12,553 federal lobbyists registered in Washington, down from 14,800 at the end of 2008, and well below a record 15,137 in 2007, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonprofit group that tracks such activities. In the wake of tighter ethics rules imposed by the Obama administration for people who are official lobbyists...
Industry executives, congressional aides and lobbyists say companies and special interest groups have terminated the lobbyist status of people on their staffs and are calling them by new names...

The Post reporter attempts to make the point that lobbyists perform an important service writing papers and viewpoints on complex legislation etc. etc.etc. My questions to him and you are:
2. Don't people elect their representatives based on their viewpoints and what they are told during the election process?
I could go on a while about that one, however, I'll just get to the campaign promise...if elected your president, all official and unofficial lobbyists in Washington DC will be required to wear black leather fetish gear and suits or skirts
Lastly, the punishment for any law developed, influenced or linked to lobbyists and congressmen that results in children being unjustly or inconsequently (a) hurt (b) killed (c) malnourished (d) homeless (e) sick shall be shirtless public spanking in black leather pants for 12 hours on the national mall after ingesting a complete exlax chocolate bar...
Although I really like this promise and idea, I may only enact it for a certain period of time as I want to get busy changing congress into a Coliseum for Gladiator matches where we can watch lobbyists duke it out...